The IRCCS Galeazzi-Sant’Ambrogio Hospital represents a centre of excellence in medical specialisties. It results from the merger of two ‘historical’ realities in Milan: the Galeazzi Orthopaedic Institute, with a marked orthopedic and neurosurgical vocation, and the Sant’Ambrogio Clinical Institute, a hospital facility with a long-standing cardiovascular and bariatric tradition.
This extensive and ambitious national and international health project, accredited with the National Health System, also benefits from close collaboration with the University of Milan for teaching specific concentrations.
The facility’s primary mission will be to provide a quality service to all patients in both inpatient and outpatient settings, with a focus also on Research in the area of musculoskeletal diseases. Our keywords? Innovation, Sustainability and Humanity.
A healthcare centre of excellence in dialogue with the University of Milan joins MIND to provide quality to all patients and collaborate with the various communities in the district.
The goal: to improve the future quality of life
MIND is a large ecosystem where the main hubs will be able to contribute to developing the area with a focus on enhancing the use of space and improving the quality of life. Undoubtedly, the synergies that are being created with the district will allow us to achieve exceptional results precisely because our organization will have the privilege of being part of the change and of being present and active within the City of the Future.

The activities in the district
Our hospital, which has a broad national and European scope, is particularly keen on collaboration with the various communities in the district: our desire is precisely to be close to the communities with a perspective of integration with the other healthcare facilities.
At present, we are also highly involved with the initiatives promoted by Fondazione Triulza. We believe it is one of the most significant partners in terms of humanisation, enhancement of the territory and improvement of the quality of life – three aspects that fit perfectly into the context of the Milan Innovation District.
Active projects with MIND partners include:
- FEMUR project, study on the patient journey for the femur fracture in collaboration with Federated Innovation;
- Primary Site project in collaboration with Confindustria Dispositivi Medici and PlusValue;
- CATCH-atMIND project, coordinated with the University of Milan.