Alessandro Mansutti
Head of innovation e Research Lab Director
What do you do?
I am responsible for the direction, management and constant growth of R-Lab, Rold’s innovation and applied research lab. R-Lab is a multidisciplinary unit where leading researchers from various sectors (mechatronics, electronics, advanced materials, etc.) work together to develop innovative solutions in the consumer goods market. R-Lab’s technology transfer activities are closely interconnected, also thanks to the strong collaboration with major universities in Milan.
What are the goals of your commitment?
The values that guide my work are a tight link with the world of research and a personal propensity for creativity and knowledge sharing. My long-term goals aim to grow and disseminate a development model capable of creating value for Rold, based on multidisciplinarity, technology scouting and collaboration with organisations and institutions from different sectors.
What role does innovation play in your job?
Innovation is the cornerstone of my professional life and the primary focus of my work. In recent years we have developed a number of innovative solutions that have allowed Rold to explore new markets and opportunities. However, genuine innovation lies not only in the specific development of a product, process or service but in that all these solutions require a mix of skills from different fields harmonised to create authentic added value.
This opportunity of ‘mixing’ with diverse organisations will help us grow and open up new opportunities for development
What added value have you received or would you like to receive from your presence in MIND?
Being part of MIND will allow us to enter a network of organisations similar to Rold in some respects but different in others. This opportunity of “mixing” with diverse organisations is what will help us grow and open up new opportunities for development and collaboration. Thanks to MIND, we will join an ecosystem that, even comprising companies of different sizes and sectors of origin, is internally linked by a single purpose: innovation.
How do you imagine the future of MIND?
In my vision for the future of MIND, I see a world where both professional and personal life are under constant stimulation. I don’t see MIND as a “place to work” but as a district to live, experience and share with other people. From my point of view, the essential services in MIND will be those that promote a balance between professional and personal life: transportation, cultural activities, opportunities to exchange ideas…